Why Olive Oil Stands Out - Borges India

 There are various oils that guarantee health benefits and extra nutrition, but are they true?  

 In the market, there are numerous oil types, and all are very different from each other. in terms of tastes, nutrition, health benefits, side effects, etc. But which one stands out the most?  

The correct answer to this question is only olive oil. How? In this blog, you will get a brief explanation of why most doctors tell you to add olive oil to your diet.  

How Is Olive Oil Produced?  

The oil that is extracted from ripe olives is the main component of olive oil. On the olive trees, little flowers start to bloom in the late spring.   

The olives flower as a result of wind pollination, reaching their peak oil content around six months later. So, after changing from green to reddish violet to black, the olives are harvested between November and March.   

To obtain olives at the same level of maturity, it is sometimes required to pluck them from the same trees many times.  

Manufacturing Process:   

  1. Gathering and Rating The Olives  

  1. Olive Washing and Milling  

  1. How to Make Olive Paste  

  1. Making Oil by Cold Pressing Olive Paste  

  1. separating the vegetable water from the vegetable oil  

  1. Oil Packaging and Storage  

Health Benefits From Olive Oil  

There are numerous health benefits to consuming olive oil, particularly extra virgin olive oil, which is extremely beneficial to everyone.   

Here are some of the benefits that Olive Oil gives-   

1. They Have Healthy Monounsaturated Fats  

monounsaturated oleic acid, which is abundant in olive oil. This fatty acid is a healthy option for cooking and is thought to have a variety of positive effects. Extra virgin olive oil is a good option for cooking since monounsaturated fats are resistant to high heat.  

2. Olive Oils Has Antioxidants   

Extra-virgin olive oil is reasonably nutrient-dense. It also has minor levels of vitamins E and K in addition to its advantageous fatty acids. However, olive oil also contains a lot of potent antioxidants.  

These physiologically active antioxidants may lower your chance of developing chronic illnesses. Additionally, they help prevent the oxidation of your blood cholesterol and battle inflammation.  

3. Olive Oil Prevents Strokes  

A blood clot or haemorrhage can disrupt the blood supply to your brain, which results in a stroke. It is the second most frequent cause of mortality in developed countries, just after heart disease.  

There has been substantial research that proves people taking olive oil regularly have lessened the risk of stroke. as it is the only source of monounsaturated fats, which prevent stroke problems.  

4. Prevent Heart Diseases  

One of the main components of this diet is extra virgin olive oil, which prevents heart disease in several ways.  

The lining of blood arteries is improved, inflammation is reduced, "bad" LDL cholesterol is shielded from oxidation, and it may help reduce excessive blood clotting.  

It's interesting to note that it has also been demonstrated to reduce blood pressure, one of the main risk factors for heart disease and early mortality. Olive oil decreased the need for blood pressure medication by 48% in one trial.  

5. Helps In Weight Loss   

Numerous studies have connected the olive oil-rich Mediterranean diet with positive effects on body weight.  

Consuming a lot of olive oil was not connected to gaining weight in a 30-month study involving more than 7,000 college students from Spain.   

In addition, one three-year study with 187 individuals discovered a correlation between a diet high in Virgin Olive Oil and elevated blood levels of antioxidants as well as weight loss.  



Taking Extra Virgin Olive Oil daily can help prevent lots of crucial diseases. Borges has the widest range of olive oil and other olive products. Olive has lots of health benefits, whether you take it directly or have an olive tea. All the products give the best nutrients


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